Oct Slab of the Month Entry: Suldalslågen Atlantic

Again, pictures and email submissions are best left un-edited.
Hi MC,
I'm sending you a few photos I took of my brother catching his (for now) salmon of a lifetime! Estimated to weigh over 30 pounds, this beautiful, ready to spawn, big male Atlantic salmon was carefully released and swam away with full power! Twenty minutes of fighting, fish running mostly upstream, line stuck in the underwater weeds, landed, released, champagne, ended up in some great photos.
Since the release of the fish has become very important to me and my brother we figured out we wanted to learn a little more about photography. So we did, and now I have my brother Christmas gift cleared!
Hope you'll enjoy these photos!
Christian G. Vassdal

Reader Comments (30)
Well I dont think I have seen a better dressed angler! Great fish btw, and congrats!
Classiest thing I've seen since the time machine left me in the 19th.
Gotta say this put a bigger smile on my face than this week's Friday pinup.
Incredible fish!
Fish of a lifetime, well done!
anyone out there who has a sotm, wait till november. October is wrapped up. Great photos, I'm going to try the champagne thing next time on the water.
From The Compendium of Angeling Terms.
This one can best be described as..."BADASS".
ok, mighty teedy, and the conincidence of having chilled champagne onsite is quite fabulous too(perhaps fishing at the Home Pool.....). But Holy Sweet MotherF if I even took the picture I would be pooping champagne like i won the championship game.
Kjempemessig Laks!!!
Looks like a bottle of Bollinger - well done! Got to try that some day...
I think there is a sweater vest hidden in there somewhere!! PAMPIN'!!!
That's definitely O.G.
Well done my man.
Cheerio my good man. Well done indeed! I will have to have my butler, Engelbert, press one of my three piece suits for an outing involving the traditional spey rod and a fine bottle of Dom for a most pleasant finish...
The man is a PFP (Pimp From the Past). Congrats on the lifer fish and for making the rest of us feel scraggly!
Great looking fish!!!!!!!!! BEAST!!
That's awesome! Looks like there may be no need for an October SOM!!!!
It gets my vote.
I'd like to shake this man's hand for wearing a tie while on the water. Kickin bass.
some of you may see me swinging flies on my two-hander in yellowstone park this weekend. I'll be the one wearing the tie.
what can i say!?! well done and let this be a lesson to some of those on how to do it! SOTM for me. pure class.
Keeping it classy on right river!
this would make for a great commercial, 3 in 1:
- harrods
- champagne
- flyfishing in Norway
cheers man!
VERY nice fish...The tie def. gets cool points in my book, looks like it brings some luck to the table as well!!!
Cheers Brotha!