Don't Go Noodling for Catfish in the Guangdong Reservoir!
Sunday, September 23, 2007 at 5:15PM
It's a 3 meter long man-eating catfish whose head alone is 1 meter
wide! After cutting up the catfish people were surprised to find the
remains of a man inside! LINK
Reader Comments (43)
whale sharks only have a slight resemblence to catfish ;)
did someone really get eaten because i highly dought it
thank yo
i read the comment about dorsal fin and gills so i cheked no its a small whale shark i cant belive you said it was a cat fish as if it ate a human haha funny
this is not a cat fish u dum @#%$ y did u catch a whale shark u poofs fags
Stupid people..! this is not a catfish.