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Entries in slab of the month (466)


April 2013 SOTM Entry: CO Toad

Parker Smith, the Colorado headwaters, and this big trout all aligned earlier this month.


April 2013 SOTM Entry: CO Pike

From the inbox:

Hey Chum,

I recently went Pike fishing in Utah for the first time and had an incredible time.  The cove we were fishing in looked really fishy, and I had a good feeling about it.  We came over a small drop off and I let my fly sink all the way to the bottom before beginning my retrieve.  As soon as I began to retrieve back to the boat, the line went taught and I set the hook.  A few moments later, the fish came to the surface and I let out a shout of excitement.  I had the biggest fish I'd ever seen on the end of my line.  After a quick fight, my buddy netted the fish.  She taped out at 41.5" and weighed in at 20.6 lbs, just shy of the Utah Catch and Release record.  We quickly snapped a few photos and sent her on her way.  


Shane Thomas    


Feb. 13 SOTM Winner - 

Terri Beatty 's bone get's the vote.


March SOTM Entries - Trigger vs. Hound

After a recent bahamian trip, friendly competition ensues between Chris Lewis and Chase Hancock.


March SOTM Entry: Bluefin Trevally

From the inbox:

Here is a link to a video just shot at Clipperton island and a SOTM entry.  The Bluefin Trevally I am holding is the pending world record for 4kg.   

-Bruce A. Smith


March SOTM Entry - Van Winkle Bone

Fritz Van Winkle is 11 years old and this was his first bonefishing trip.....

......Fritz might want to quit while he's ahead.

Caught with guide Kevin Reid at H2oBonefishing.

What a way to start your flats fishing obsession.....with apologies to the good Doctor Danylchuk.