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Entries in pebble mine (21)


Trial will question legality over Pebble Mine exploration

A civil trial that began Monday calls into question the legality of much of the work done over the past two decades to study the massive Pebble copper and gold prospect in Southwest Alaska.

Read at Anchorage Daily News 


A Night Too Dark 

Dana Stabenow's 17th novel is about the Aleut private investigator Kate Shugak.

The plot of "A Night Too Dark" centers on the Suulutaq Mine, where vast gold deposits have been discovered. The gold isn't being mined yet because environmental questions must be answered, but the prospect of a billion-dollar bonanza has various hustlers and corporate vultures circling. 

Sound familiar?

The Suulutaq Mine is fictional, but Stabenow has said it is based on the real-life Pebble Mine in southwest Alaska.

Kate has deeply mixed feelings about the mine; the region needs the jobs but doesn't need the environmental damage and the threat to its way of life. However, she and Sgt. Jim are drawn there after two of the mine's employees mysteriously die and a third goes missing.



Documenting salmon in Alaska's most threatened watershed

By the time their 2009 field season was over, the women had nominated 64 new miles of salmon stream for inclusion in the anadromous waters catalog.


New Analysis Finds Anglo American’s Pebble Mine Project Poses Significant Risks for Investors 

New Analysis Finds Anglo American’s Pebble Mine Project Poses
Significant Risks for Investors

WASHINGTON –  A new investor analysis to be released this Thursday, October 29th, details the legal, political, financial, engineering and reputational risks that Anglo American plc faces in developing the Pebble Mine Project in the headwaters of Bristol Bay in southwest Alaska.
Anglo American is cutting its capital expenditures this year by 50 percent to relieve pressure on its balance sheet. Meanwhile, company officials still face mounting and potentially costly obstacles with the Pebble Project – all of which should give investors pause.  London-based Anglo American has a joint 50-50 venture with British Columbia-based Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd. – the Pebble Limited Partnership – to pursue the Pebble Mine Project.
The controversial project faces unprecedented opposition from local residents and from commercial and sport fishing industries, which generate $250 to $320 million in annual revenue in Alaska and support tens of thousands of U.S. jobs. More than a dozen U.S. and U.K. jewelers with estimated sales of $3.5 billion also oppose the project.
Researchers Bonnie Gestring with the Washington, D.C.-based conservation group Earthworks, and Steve Herz, an attorney who advises non-profits on international environmental and human rights law, prepared the report. U.S. and U.K. investment analysts and scientists familiar with the Pebble Mine Project reviewed the report.
For more information or to obtain an EMBARGOED copy of the analysis, please contact:
Harlin Savage, Resource Media, 720.564.0500, ext 11 (U.S.);
Lynda Giguere, Resource Media, 907.771.4020 (U.S);


Red Gold Event: Portland's Baghdad Theater, Thurs. April 16th


THURSDAY, APRIL 16th. Doors open at 5:30, film starts at6:30. Admission is$3. Hosted by guest speakersLisa Sedlar,President of New Seasons Markets, Guido Rahr, president of Wild Salmon Center and MacGregor Walker commercial fishermen andpresident ofWest Coast Wild Salmon, a Q&A will follow the film.FREE BRISTOL BAY SALMONwill be served!!


Directions and more info


Karl Rove, Sarah Palin and Tim Griffin Walk Into a Bar...

Something behind the scenes of "Ballot Prop 4" smells. And Shannyn Moore's Blog sheds light on it.

Sent to us by AK Chum junkie - Kelly Walters.