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Entries in klamath river (10)


UnDam the Klamath


Tear down the dams now

Perhaps driven in part by this latest report, the San Francisco Chronicle editorial board is urging Congress to tear down the Klamath River dams.

It's time for Washington to heed science over politics. The test involves the ailing Klamath River, where four aging power dams along the California-Oregon border are holding back farming, tainting river flows with toxic algae, and decimating migratory fish.



Best 2012 article on Klamath River Issues

Photo: Erica Terence

Klamblog's Felice Pace, who writes extensively on Klamath River issues, gives a shout out to an essay by Erica Terence who eloquently makes the case for removing the Klamath River dams.

LINK (via: Klamblog)


Klamath dam removal legislation introduced

The PacificCorp Klamath River Dams are ground zero for the next big U.S. dam removal project.

Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., and Congressman Mike Thompson, D-St. Helena, jointly introduced the Klamath Basin Economic Restoration Act in the Senate and House today.

The legislation would implement a plan, developed through a multi-year collaborative effort among farmers, ranchers, fishermen, tribal leaders and conservationists, to remove the Klamath River dams.

LINK (Via: The Times Standard)

Not everyone is thrilled with the plan to tear out these dam.

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