Fresh Smoked Fish

Fillets now available in Full Flavor and Menthol

Fillets now available in Full Flavor and Menthol
Last year, the Minnesota Department of Transportation had to call out snowplows to remove the dead mayflies from the highways.
LINK (via: Gawker)
Elk hair caddis of course.
From the inbox:
Greetings from Big Sky,
The other day when fishing the Firehole River inside Yellowstone Park, I was able to get some great shots that I thought you guys might be interested in throwing up on the blog. I had left my rod laying on the bank as I strolled downstream to take a break. As I was walking back up, I noticed this cow elk milling around right where I had left my rod. Next thing I know, she is picking it up as if she wanted to give it a try. Once I was able to reclaim my rod I was able to put some browns on shore that were looking up at salmonflies and golden stones. Photos courtesy of myself.
Josh Berry