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Tying the Sharpie Pen Glass Buzzer

By Davie McPhaill


Latest Bum Report


Other Barbie fishing news you might have missed last week

Barbie lands record marlin on her man rod.


Dick Cheney lands record Barbie on Scooby Doo rod, conspiracy theorists see Joe Biden reflected in his sunglasses.



Inheriting the F - Gene



Kelley Moen ponders whether her 4 month old son Charlie has inherited the f-gene.

Has he inherited the f-gene?  And if so, is it the dominant or
recessive gene?  Will the waters of Oregon satisfy him?  Will he be
content to fish the Deschutes, Metolius, Fall River and dozens of small
lakes in the Cascade Lakes region near Bend and Mt. Bachelor? Or, as I
did, will he move away from home, the moment he reaches driving-age, to
be near Montana’s blue-ribbon trout streams, the waters romanticized in
“The River Runs Through It”?

Via: New West LINK

Baby J has the f-gene!



Tsuribaka literally means "fish-aholic"


Proving the 6 degrees of blog separation theory.


We were all a bit star struck. For outdoor enthusiast, meeting Yvon Chouinard is like meeting the Pope.



Ballot Initiative Four - Vote Yes 4 Fish


Ballot Measure 4, the anti Pebble Mine measure on the ballot this Tuesday in Alaska has succeeded in one respect, it has fired up the pro-mining propaganda machine in the state and beyond. 

Although Prop 4 just applies to the Bristol Bay area,
not one word about the Pebble Mine or Bristol Bay is mentioned in the
wording of the measure.
As a result opponents have been able to mobilize support and funding by portraying Measure 4 as a threat to existing mining operations and the Alaskan economy

Of course this is not the case.

Are you wanting to know what Ballot Measure #4 is all about, why
current regulations don’t adequately protect salmon, how toxic levels
would be determined, and who the opponents are?  This section has
answers to general questions about the initiative itself.

 Via: Alaskans for Clean Water LINK

Foreign mining interests have pumped 10 million into the campaign and a new poll shows Ballot Measure 4 might be going down to defeat. LINK

Two major papers in Alaska have endorsed Measure 4.

Put aside the exaggerations.

truth is that the heart of the initiative is in the right place --
protecting Alaska's salmon fisheries against pollution from new mines.


legal language in the measure needs fine-tuning. We know that. Voters
should approve it, and hand the new law over to the Legislature to
clean up the rough edges.

BOTTOM LINE: Yes to Ballot Measure 4, to keep big new mines from dirtying salmon streams.

Via The Anchorage Daily News LINK

As Alaskans consider Ballot Measure 4 on Tuesday, they must look to the future and think about gold.

the gold that would be removed from Pebble Mine by foreign
corporations, Anglo American and Northern Dynasty Minerals, for
outsiders' profit, but the aquatic gold found in the precious
salmon-rearing watershed of Bristol Bay, the thousands of
fishing-related jobs, and the $250 million fishing industry that feeds
Alaskans and their families.

Via: The Juneau Empire LINK