The Chase: a tiny film
Tuesday, July 28, 2015 at 12:03AM
El Guapo in Film and Video, fly fishing video, rc cone, yow

Honestly, we went to Iceland to catch big fish. It was that simple. We wanted to bask in the late Arctic sun while bringing a dreamy meter long Atlantic salmon to hand. We wanted to drink whiskey afterwards, go to bed and do it again everyday we could. What surprised us wasn’t our ability to check the aforementioned mission off the list, it was the insignificance that those goals held compared to what we ACTUALLY discovered. The Chase: a tiny film is an ode to the friendships and experiences shared while chasing our passions.

The Chase is a short film that we feel encapsulates the most important part of us going to Iceland last summer. Yes, we made a 45 minute film and a festival edit that has toured the globe but this minute and a half is the soul of what we did and discovered. This is exactly what we’d like to share with you

Read the full story on The Cleanest Line

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