EPA releases Bristol Bay Assessment
Thursday, January 16, 2014 at 12:03AM
El Guapo in Mines, News, Stop the Pebble Mine, eEPA, save bristol bay

In February of 2011 the Environmental Protection Agency launched the Bristol Bay watershed assessment, two years later they have released their final report on the impacts of the proposed Pebble Mine.

Dennis McLerran, regional administrator for Seattle-based Region 10 of the EPA, outlined the findings:

“Our report concludes that large scale mining poses risks to salmon and the tribal communities that have depended on them for thousands of years.” 

Needless to say Northern Dyansty President Ron Thiesson was crying foul.

“Publication of the final watershed assessment (by EPA) is really the final chapter in a very sad story . . . We believed the EPA set out to do a flawed analysis of the Pebble Project and they certainly succeeded.”

LINK (via: Seattle PI)

It will be interesting to see how the investment community and Northern Dynasty's remaining partner Rio Tinto react.

Article originally appeared on Fly Fishing | Blog | Photos | Podcasts | Travel | Gear | and More (http://www.moldychum.com/).
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