The World’s Largest Fly Rod: A true community art project 
Saturday, December 7, 2013 at 12:00AM
El Guapo in Art, fly fishing, fly fishing art, fly fishing sculpture

In the 1980s, tourism promoters in British Columbia encouraged cities and towns to develop a roadside attraction or landmark that would draw visitors.

Some of the communities that took on this challenge went for the record books: The World’s Largest Gold Pan resides in Quesnel, the World’s Largest Cross Country Skis flank the visitors’ centre in 100 Mile House, and the World’s Largest Hockey Stick and Puck, originally commissioned by the Government of Canada for the Expo 86 World’s Fair in Vancouver, graces the front of the Cowichan Community Centre in Duncan.

Not to be outdone by its more southerly counterparts, residents of Houston, BC conceived of, constructed, and installed the World’s Largest Fly Rod.

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