Fish Bloggage
Thursday, July 28, 2011 at 12:00AM
El Guapo in Other Sites, ffly fishing blog, fish blogs

 Clearing out some of the links I've saved but neglected to post.

Poudre Canyon Chronicles - Emphasis on the Poudre River and Midgeman's skill as a a fly tier.

Backwoods Plaid - The ramblings of an LL Bean addict, fly fisher, Mainer.....

Splicing the Mainbrace -  The musings of a novice trout fisherman and car racing fan. Bonus points if you know what splicing the mainbrace means.

Jon Schwartz's Blog - The online journal of a fishing and travel photo journalist. Jon Schwartz, AKA Bluewater Jon, travels the globe chasing big fish from the deck of his kayak.

Mountains, Rivers & Trout - Satoshi Yamamoto is a fly fishing guide and cattle breeder.

Another round next week.

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