Diminished Reproductive Success of Steelhead from a Hatchery Supplementation Program
Thursday, July 14, 2011 at 12:00AM
El Guapo in News, hatchery fish vs wild fish, osprey steelhead news, wild steelhead vs. hatchery steelhead

From Osprey Steelhead News comes this dispatch regarding a recent study further proving that hatchery fish reduce the health of wild stocks.

A recent study authored by a group of biologists from NOAA and ODFW explores reproductive success of hatchery v. wild steelhead in a tributary of the Imnaha River in Oregon. The "integrated" hatchery program in which hatchery juveniles were progeny of wild parents or parents of relatively recent wild ancestry still showed a dramatic decline in reproductive fitness relative to their hatchery counterparts (30-60%). This research adds to the ever growing body of evidence that hatchery fish are extremely unsuccessful when spawning in the wild and that hatchery spawners dramatically reduce the productivity of wild stocks and further call into question managers ongoing reliance on hatcheries in recovery efforts.


Article originally appeared on Fly Fishing | Blog | Photos | Podcasts | Travel | Gear | and More (http://www.moldychum.com/).
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