In a recent post, Felice Pace of the KlamBlog speculated that most of those involved in Klamath River and Klamath Salmon issues these days do not know the history of the Boldt Decision. My hunch is that would apply to others involved in fish and habitat issues throughout the Pacific Northwest.
So Felice posted an article from the February 7, 1999 issue of the Seattle called 25 Years After the Boldt Decision along with the following lead.
Those who understand history and its patterns have an advantage navigating the present. This is particularly true for those who are involved in political movements and social controversies. We have that now on the Klamath. While the political and social struggles still center on salmon, the antagonists now are those who seek to control Klamath River water and its management as well as those who own dams and those who seek to remove them.
The issues and politics on the Klamath are similar to those taking place on other rivers where salmon and steelhead conservation meet tribal fishing rights. Anyone out there who is not familiar with the history surrounding the Boldt Decision should read this article. As Felice Pace eloquently states, "Learn the history, it will help you find the right road today."
25 Years After the Boldt Decision - The Fish Tale That Changed History