Save the Delaware!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011 at 12:00AM
El Guapo in Announcements, Environment, Film and Video, delaware river, take action

Act now to Save the Delaware River.

On November 21st, the Delaware River Basin commission will vote on a plan to allow 20,000 gas wells in the Delaware River basin.

The Delaware River Basin commission is comprised of five voting members, Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York, Governor Christie of New Jersey, Governor Corbett of Pennsylvania, Governor Markell from Delaware and the Obama Administration represented by the Army Corps of Engineers. For the Delaware River to be opened up to drilling three out of five have to vote yes on the draft regulations plan. We need them all to reject the proposal and reject gas drilling and fracking.

There has never been a more urgent moment in the Northeast in the battle against fracking. The Delaware is the primary drinking water source for 15.6 million people and it is a national treasure.

Five actions you can take:

1) Call the the Governors from the member states TODAY and tell them, "Hello, I am calling you to express my serious concerns about hydrofracking. Please Don’t Drill the Delaware!"

Governor Christie’s office - 609-292-6000
Governor Cuomo’s office - 518-474-8390
Gov Corbett’s office – 717-787-2500
Gov Markell’s Wilmington Office - 302-577-3210

2) Come to the DRBC meeting!

When: November 21, 8 am

Where: Patriots Theater at the War Memorial, 1 Memorial Drive Trenton, N.J.

There are over 20 buses traveling in from all over the region.

3) Delaware Riverkeeper will be hosting a peaceful non-violent direct action training on November 20th. For more information, sign up HERE.

4) Post it on Facebook.

5) Sign a petition to keep drilling and fracking out of the Delaware River Basin.

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