More Fly Fishing Meets iStock Photo
Tuesday, October 18, 2011 at 12:00AM
El Guapo in Humor, fly fishing humor, fly fishing images, fly fishing photography, istock photo

Reginald tests his prototype munchkin fly selector.

Rejected ad comp for Captain Morgan's.

Could someone in creative check if iStock photo has an image of a woman holding fly fishing gear with a navel piercing, suggestive tatt...... and wearing a magenta bra under her fishing vest?

Last time Jim checked he had two legs.

Yup, I'm adopted.

There isn't a river within 50 miles of here.

Roger insisted he fished dry flies exclusively but his creel told a different story.

Look, how many times do I have to tell you! Wear a fuckin belt, you're creepin me out.

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