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« Mr. Kriege said that the dredges’ impact on the riverbed was “like fluffing a pillow” | Main | Friday Pin Up »


This post from The Caddis Fly was intended to be a video on flyfishing/running rapids on the upper Mckenzie, little did they know that it was much more. From 1:35 to 1:55 focus your attention on the bottom left hand portion of the screen. 

As soon as E-bun see this he'll be packin the raft for Oregon.

UPDATE: For those that aren't against the notion of an undocumented North American Ape, you may want to read the discussion on this video here on the BFRO Blue Forum

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Reader Comments (27)

OOOOHHH boy, a tree stump. I thought the Bobber on the fly rod was a nice touch though.


September 4, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSportsman Matt

This was a bow hunter just waiting for an Elk to hit the riverr.. once the drift boat went by he got up and left. He's all decked out in camo gear etc. Nice video nevertheless.

..and that is known as steam fog on the river, caused by cool air over relatively warmer water.. makes the air layer over the water cool to the point that the water vapor condenses to form fog. very nice shot of that.

September 7, 2010 | Unregistered Commentersteam fog

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