Give the Chum your best picture caption for this Marmorata Trout: Winner Update
photo by Maurizio Maule
UPDATE: Lots of great caption entries for sure. It was a toss up, but Diego Garcia takes the cake. Diego, shoot the Chum a note with your mailing address for your free Chum decal.
Slab of the month (and year for that matter) worthy no doubt - unfortunately we don't know, nor do we have entry approval from angler. Picture shared with us by our Euro Moldy Chum collegues - Le Mouching. At 22.5 kg and 120 cm, this Soca River Marmorata Trout is apparently the largest ever caught on fly in Slovania.
Since SOTM is out of the question, let's give this picture what it so duly deserves - a funky caption. Use the comment section of this post to deliver us a fitting caption for this photo - winner gets a Chum decal. We'll repost the captioned photo after selecting a winner.
Reader Comments (48)
I can haz fishberger?
While he was out fishing his wife went home with a Red Snapper
¡Trucha Libre!
I can't wait to see the look on the faces of those old hags in the bread line!
I think I found what's been clogging up your toilet.
Two bites for every Cuban,
La vida Soca. We should all be kneeling.
the bread line one rocks
Can we eat it now?
Some of the other 64 photos are here...
I was particularly impressed with this one
"Well it was bleeding from the gills so I had to knock it on the head"
Please tell me the dudes missing a finger or he's playing "stinky finger" with a fish
Hey, uh, comrade, will you grab my camera?
you wish yours was as big as this
How about "GOTM' ( grunt of the month). Somebody check that guys waders
Hatches? We don't need no stinking hatches.
"After she was reincarnated, Harriet had trouble meeting suitable men"
FUUUUUUUUCK (in Slovenian)
The most humiliating part of Danik's day wasn't falling out of the wheelchair.... it was being pinned by a fish after falling out of the wheelchair!
There is something just not right about this photo. The fish looks like it has dead eye, and the halo around the agler makes me somewhat suspicious of photoshop. If I am wrong it is one heck of a fish, but something tells me dead fish found on the back or died during the fight, or photoshop. I hope I am wrong but I had a guy come into my flyshop with a similar photo and I just thought something wasn't right. A couple of month later I found the reak picture and my customer had lied to me and photoshops his head on it. By the way he did a great job of it and I would never had known, but I happened to run into the original photo on the web. Some people will do anything to look like a great fly fisherman. Unreal!
^ That was a really crappy caption.
Mustache ride outta the question?