Entries by Eric Rathbun (3592)
Snake River Salmon and Steelhead Waterpark
A massive steel structure designed as a fish-friendly water slide to give juvenile salmon and steelhead a faster and safer way to negotiate spillways is en route to Lower Monumental Dam for installation next month. LINK
An interactive computer simulation of what fish experience as they travel through the slide. LINK
Are you Braughtinwood's Friend?
Hi folks, You may know me from your television screen. Yup that's right Al Braughtinwood, purveyor of fine fishing lures and international celebrity. Let's face it folks, I've probably caught more fish than you. Now let's ask ourselves why? LINK
From the makers of Fishizzle. If you've not purchased your copy whadaphuckryawaitinfor?
If it's good enough for Swearengen...
...it's good enough for me.
During our four hour roadtrip last weekend, B2 aroused me with his speak about the HBO series Deadwood. Said it's a must watch. 7 days, 4 trips to Hollywood Video and 16 episodes later, it's safe to say he was right. So much so that I'm contemplating a trip to this historic site. And, from the looks of it, my 5 wt will come along for the ride.